You can view the current standings for the Agent of the Year Award by going to the Reports page.
You can also review past winners of the Agent of the Year Award here: Past AOY


We would like to take a moment to congratulate the 2022 Agent of the Year, Kirk Barton!



As a District, we would also like to recognize agents that stood out among their peers.
The New Store Agent of the Year award is given to an agent who has been in business for 3 years or less and has performed the best out of all lines of business.
The “A-Team” award is given to the agent that was truly outstanding during the last year, always willing to lend a helping hand to the District Office and to their colleagues.

Michael Coomer was both the New Store Agent of the Year and the A-Team award winner for 2022. Congratulations!

New Store Agent of the Year

A-Team Award



In addition, we give out an Agent of the Year award per line of business; here are our 2022 winners:

Commercial Agent of the Year
Kirk Barton

P&C Agent of the Year
Anthony Oskolkoff

Life Agent of the Year
Kirk Barton

Specialty Agent of the Year
Jeff Champ

FFS Agent of the Year
Kirk Barton



For 2022, we also recognized our New Store Agent of the Year winners per Line of Business:

NS Commercial Agent of the Year
Sheri Pontolillo

NS P&C Agent of the Year
Matthew Smith

NS Life Agent of the Year
Brittnie Witt

NS Specialty Agent of the Year
Michael Coomer